A year to remember or forget? It has been a year for many that wish to put it behind them and welcome 2021, with hope of a brighter future. For others however, despite the economic turmoil, global uncertainty and the destruction Covid-19 has caused, it has also created opportunity and success for others. Christmas is a time for family and friends, a messy home with presents unwrapped and the aromas of food. It is also an occasion to look back and have gratitude and appreciation for our achievements, amongst the chaos of 2020. At Universal Electro Tech we have been thankful to withstand the challenges of Covid-19, and be able to enter the New Year with determination, clarity, and vision of growth to support and stimulate economic growth and employment.
Our employees have shown exemplary resilience and support within both our internal and external environment. Comradery has been at the centre of our work place, sustaining employment and pulling together during times of difficulty. We adhered to social distancing, wore masks and took all necessary precautions in the community to reduce physical contact. What the pandemic has shown us is the importance of human connection. Melinda Gates reminds us that “Deep human connection is the purpose and the result of a meaningful life – and it will inspire the most amazing acts of love, generosity, and humanity. The separation of loved ones, friends and family have been difficult for millions of people worldwide, affirming the need to connect and build relationships.
We end 2020 preparing new office space for Professional Cabling Services to move from Francisco St, to Robinson Avenue in Belmont. The move will allow our group of companies to work closely together, with Professional Cabling Services moving directly next door to Universal Electro Tech, and Universal Switchboards in the New Year. Our group of companies continue to support electrical apprenticeships and trades positions, making dreams come true and chosen careers a reality. Our focus will be to strengthen relationships in 2021 with our employees and customers. To succeed in business, it is about making and building connections that together we can withstand any challenges the future holds and support the wider community.
Thank you to all our clients new and old for your continued support throughout 2020. We wish you and your families a festive and Merry Christmas. Our offices will be closed from Wednesday the 23rd of December and will re-open on Monday the 11th of January. In the event of an emergency, we are still taking calls to ensure you have a relaxed and festive season without blowing a fuse. Universal Electro Tech, Universal Switchboards and Professional cabling Services admin@uet.net.au | www.uet.net.au | (08) 9328 9491 | pcs@procabling.com.au | www.procabling.com.au/ | (08) 9478 5311 located at 105 Robinson Avenue, Belmont, WA 6104 and Unit 4/4 Picton Road, WA Bunbury 6230.
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